
Monday, July 18, 2011

These 90 Analysts Believe Gold Will Go to $5,000/ozt

f the 133 analysts who have now gone public in maintaining that gold will eventually go to a parabolic peak price of $2,500/ozt.+ before the bubble bursts, 90 – yes 90, maintain that gold will reach at least $5,000 per ozt. Take a look here at who is projecting what, by when.
Editor’s Note:
1. If you find a name missing from the list below send it to me (editor-at-munKNEE-dot-comwith the URL of the article in which the individual states his/her case so keep the list the most comprehensive on the internet. Only projections of at least $2,500 per troy ounce, accompanied by sound reasons, will be included in the revised list.
2For a hyperlink to the actual article in which the individuals state their parabolic peak price projections and rationale go here.
3 Analysts See Gold Reaching its Parabolic Peak Sometime in 2011!
  1. Bob Kirtley: $10,000;
  2. Patrick Kerr: $5,000 – $10,000;
  3. Taran Marwah: $3,000;
10 Analysts See Gold Reaching its Peak By the End of 2012
  1. Arnold Bock: $10,000;
  2. Porter Stansberry: $10,000;
  3. Taran Marwah: $6,000+;
  4. Greg McCoach: $5,000+;
  5. Robert McEwen: $5,000;
  6. Mary Anne and Pamela Aden: $3,000 – $5,000;
  7. John Paulson: $2,400 – $4,000;
  8. Ian McAvity: $2,500 – $3,000;
  9. Peter Hambro: $2,500;
  10. Charles Nenner: $2,500
These 11 Analysts See Gold Going Parabolic to +$10,000
  1. DoctoRX: $20,000 (by 2020);
  2. Mike Maloney: $15,000;
  3. Ben Davies: $10,000 – $15,000;
  4. Howard Katz: $14,000;
  5. Jeffrey Lewis: $7,000 – $14,000;
  6. Jim Sinclair: $12,455;
  7. Goldrunner: $10,000 – $12,000;
  8. Martin Armstrong: $5,000 – $12,000 (by 2015/16);
  9. Robin Griffiths: $3,000 – $12,000 (by 2015);
  10. Jim Rickards: $4,000 – $11,000;
  11. Roland Watson: $10,800;
These 46 Analysts See Gold Price Peaking Between $5,001 and $10,000
  1. Bob Kirtley: $10,000 (by 2011);
  2. Arnold Bock: $10,000 (by 2012);
  3. Porter Stansberry: $10,000 (by 2012);
  4. Peter George: $10,000 (by 2015);
  5. Tom Fischer: $10,000;
  6. Shayne McGuire: $10,000;
  7. Eric Hommelberg: $10,000;
  8. David Petch: $6,000 – $10,000;
  9. Gerald Celente: $6,000 – $10,000;
  10. Egon von Greyerz: $6,000 – $10,000;
  11. Peter Schiff: $5,000 – $10,000 (in 5 to 10 years);
  12. Patrick Kerr: $5,000 – $10,000 (by 2011);
  13. Peter Millar: $5,000 – $10,000;
  14. Roger Wiegand: $5,000 – $10,000;
  15. Alf Field: $4,250 – $10,000;
  16. Jeff Nielson: $3,000 – $10,000;
  17. Dennis van Ek: $9,000 (by 2015);
  18. Dominic Frisby: $8,000;
  19. Paul Brodsky: $8,000;
  20. James Turk: $8,000 (by 2015);
  21. Joseph Russo: $7,000 – $8,000;
  22. Bob Chapman: $7,700;
  23. Michael Rozeff: $2,865 – $7,151;
  24. Jim Willie: $7,000;
  25. Greg McCoach: $6,500;
  26. Dylan Grice: $6,300;
  27. Chris Mack: $6,241.64 (by 2015);
  28. Chuck DiFalco: $6,214 (by 2018);
  29. Jeff Clark: $6,214;
  30. Aubie Baltin: $6,200 (by 2017);
  31. Murray Sabrin: $6,153;
  32. Adam Hamilton: $6,000+;
  33. Samuel “Bud” Kress: $6,000 (by 2014);
  34. Robert Kientz: $6,000;
  35. Harry Schultz: $6,000;
  36. John Bougearel: $6,000;
  37. David Tice: $5,000 – $6,000;
  38. Laurence Hunt: $5,000 – $6,000 (by 2019);
  39. Taran Marwah: $3,000 – $6,000+ (by Dec. 2011 and Dec.2012, respectively);
  40. Martin Hutchinson: $3,100 – $5,700;
  41. Stephen Leeb: $5,500 (by 2015);
  42. Louise Yamada: $5,200;
  43. Jeremy Charlesworth: $5,000+;
  44. Przemyslaw Radomski: $5,000+;
  45. Jason Hamlin: $5,000+;
  46. David McAlvany: $5,000+
Cumulative sub-total: 57
(For a hyperlink to the article in which the individuals state their parabolic peak price projections and rationale go here.)
These 33 Analysts Believe Gold Price Could Go As High As $5,000
  1. David Rosenberg: $5,000;
  2. James West: $5,000;
  3. Doug Casey: $5,000;
  4. Peter Cooper: $5,000;
  5. Robert McEwen: $5,000 (by 2012 – 2014);
  6. Peter Krauth: $5,000;
  7. Tim Iacono: $5,000 (by 2017);
  8. Christopher Wyke: $5,000;
  9. Frank Barbera: $5,000;
  10. John Lee: $5,000;
  11. Barry Dawes: $5,000;
  12. Bob Lenzer: $5,000 (by 2015);
  13. Steve Betts: $5,000;
  14. Stewart Thomson: $5,000;
  15. Charles Morris: $5,000 (by 2015);
  16. Marvin Clark: $5,000 (by 2015);
  17. Eric Sprott: $5,000;
  18. Nathan Narusis: $5,000;
  19. Bud Conrad: $4,000 – $5,000;
  20. Paul Mylchreest: $4,000 – $5,000;
  21. Pierre Lassonde: $4,000 – $5,000;
  22. Willem Middelkoop: $4,000 – $5,000;
  23. Mary Anne and Pamela Aden: $3,000 – $5,000 (by February 2012);
  24. James Dines: $3,000 – $5,000;
  25. Bill Murphy: $3,000 – $5,000;
  26. Bill Bonner: $3,000 – $5,000;
  27. Peter Degraaf: $2,500 – $5,000;
  28. Eric Janszen: $2,500 – $5,000;
  29. Larry Jeddeloh: $2,300 – $5,000 (by 2013);
  30. Larry Edelson: $2,300 – $5,000 (by 2015);
  31. Luke Burgess: $2,000 – $5,000;
  32. Marc Faber: $1,500 – $5,000;
  33. Robert Lloyd-George: $5,000 (by 2014)
Cumulative sub-total: 90
(For a hyperlink to the article in which the individuals state their parabolic peak price projections and rationale go here.)
31 Analysts Believe Gold Will Go Up to Between $3,000 and $4,999
1. David Moenning: $4,525;
2. Larry Reaugh: $4,000+;
3. Ernest Kepper: $4,000;
4. Mike Knowles: $4,000;
5. Ian Gordon/Christopher Funston: $4,000;
6. Barry Elias: $4,000; (by 2020);
7. Jay Taylor: $3,000 – $4,000;
8. Christian Barnard: $2,500 – $4,000;
9. John Paulson: $2,400 – $4,000 (by 2012);
10. Paul Tustain: $3,844;
11. Myles Zyblock: $3,800;
12. Eric Roseman: $2,500 – $3,500 (by 2015);
13. Christopher Wood: $3,360;
14. Franklin Sanders: $3,130;
15. John Henderson: $3,000+ (by 2015 – 17);
16. Michael Berry: $3,000+ (by 2015);
17. Hans Goetti: $3,000;
18. Michael Yorba: $3,000;
19. David Urban; $3,000;
20. Mitchell Langbert: $3,000;
21. Brett Arends: $3,000;
22. Ambrose Evans-Pritchard: $3,000;
23. John Williams: $3,000;
24. Byron King: $3,000;
25. Ron Paul: $3,000 (by 2020);
26. Chris Weber: $3,000 (by 2020);
27. Mark Leibovit: $3,000;
28. Mark O’Byrne: $3,000;
29. Kevin Kerr: $3,000;
30. Frank Holmes: $3,000;
31. Shamik Bhose: $3,000 (by 2014)
Cumulative sub-total: 121
(For a hyperlink to the article in which the individuals state their parabolic peak price projections and rationale go here.)
These 12 Analysts Believe Gold Will Go to Between $2,500 and $3,000
  1. Ian McAvity: $2,500 – $3,000 (by 2012);
  2. Jeff Nichols: $2,000 – $3,000;
  3. Graham French: $2,000 – $3,000;
  4. Bank of America Merrill Lynch: $2,000 – $3,000;
  5. Joe Foster: $2,000 – $3,000 (by 2019);
  6. David Morgan: $2,900;
  7. Sascha Opel: $2,500+;
  8. Rick Rule: $2,500 (by 2013);
  9. Daniel Brebner: $2,500;
  10. James DiGeorgia: $2,500;
  11. Peter Hambro: $2,500 (by 2012);
  12. Charles Nenner: $2,500 (by 2012 – 13)
Grand Total: 133
By: Lorimer Wilson

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